Meditation and Relaxation
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This site is about Relaxation Through Meditation and stress reduction.
My preference would be to call meditation relaxation � conscious
relaxation, chosen relaxation. These are words that are more universally
understood, more comfortable. Constantly working toward the goal
of discovering my own ability to reach a state of serenity, I
have learned to meditate.

Meditating is actually easier than you might imagine. Most of
us have dabbled in meditation by participating in conscious relaxation.
Maybe during an exercise class or to manage pain at the dentist
or anxiety before a test. We start by paying attention to our
breathing. The practical effort to focus completely on our breathing
takes our minds away from the "mind clutter" that constantly
tries to invade our mind and eliminate feelings that will lead
to a time of calm. With repeated effort the goal of clearing your
mind � to think of nothing, does occur and the process of meditation
takes on its own energy. The result is, and I guarantee this,
peace, serenity, calmness, eventually opening yourself to new
Too much stress, stress reduction, chill out, let it go, detach � familiar phrases to all
of us. Our world is fast, fun and exciting. It is also challenging,
trying, demanding and frightening. These two sides of our lives
produce stress, emotional reactions, anxiety, worry and anticipation.
Our bodies and minds can tolerate only so much of any of these.
After a while, each of us reaches a saturation point and the results
become uncomfortable at best; for some it may be unbearable, even
No magic pill is available to eliminate these feelings. The reality
is, as the wise old man said, the answer is inside all of us. To
manage these universal concerns we must go inside ourselves. Among
the steps we can take is the learning and practicing of meditation.
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