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A new remedy brought out for treating diabetes

Almost every person worldwide is cognizant that only sugar is the sole cause of diabetes. We, humans acquire diabetes when the level of sugar rises. But are we correct? Do we have the sufficient information? The only answer to this is a "NO". The truth about diabetes holds an untold story but people around the world may be aware of it only to a limited extent. Although our body needs glucose but in certain cases, the sugar which we get from what we eat, is not processed by the glucose in our body.

When the sugar is not processed efficiently by our body, then we tend to develop diabetes. When in the beginning of the disease one comes to know the symptoms, he/she can avoid serious complications and can be cured with the help of proper treatment which includes a balanced diet and regular exercise. In United States, almost 7% of people suffer with diabetes and the number of patients developing diabetes is expected to increase by 12% or 5 million people by 2050. Even our western population including one million Canadians are affected by the disease. Diabetes is often seen in its 3 classes.

These may include 1) type 1 diabetes occurs when there is no more production of insulin in the body, 2) type 2 diabetes occurs when the insulin in the body is not used efficiently, 3) gestational diabetes occurs during the pregnancy period of women. Diabetes leaves its very own symptoms which are harmful for diabetics like a damaged vision, inordinate thirst and hunger, frequent urination. For the purpose of controlling diabetes, a healthy diet and regular exercise are a must but nevertheless there are some people who still lie upon insulin shots and various other drugs. Besides, the effects of diabetes can also be cured with various other herbs. Various measures are available for treating diabetes.

Recently, a new drug is found available in UAE for the treatment of diabetes. This drug is developed with the toxin secreted by the lizard. This lizard is a specie native to the US. The drug is named Byetta (Exenatide) and is an artificial version of Gila monster's toxin which is helpful in regulating the blood sugar level. Since 2005, this drug is available in United States and almost every person around the globe are using this drug. Type 2 diabetes patients who are often overweight always take up the advantage of Byetta since the drug is helpful in reducing weight.

The body of Type 2 diabetes patients may not be receptive to oral medications which is why they go for Byetta drug since this drug is given in the form of an injection. This drug causes weight loss which is why it is different from other medications which lead to weight gain. This drug is also helpful in preventing hypoglycemia, the problem related to insulin because this drug is dependent on glucose which never lets the sugar level of a patient to drop. This drug is also helpful in controlling a patient's appetite because it gives the brain signal of being full.

This drug acts as a hormone which regulates the sugar level of the blood. Diabetes is a major disease menacing our community. Best in class treatments are brought forward to fight with the disease and lower the number of people suffering from diabetes. UAE comes up as one of the first countries in middle east for the availability of Byetta. Type 2 diabetes patients are the ones whose body suffers with decreased or inaccessible incretion of hormones. Southwest desert of USA and Mexico is famous for a poisonous monster lizard known as Gila.

Type 2 diabetes is most effectively controlled with the help of toxin which this disastrous monster secretes. The above mentioned drug 'Byetta' helful in treating diabetes type 2, is the synthetic version of the toxin. A new treatment has been developed with Byetta Known as Incretin mimetics.

Incretion of hormones is useful in increment of insulin and regulating the blood sugar level. Gut in the bloodstream releases the Incretin.

Julia Hanf author of the book How To Play the Diabetes Diet Game and Win Through a real life crisis Julia figured out how to live diabetes free. Visit http://www.yourdiabetescure.com and learn more about your solution for diabetes.

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