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Blood Pressure Expert Speaks

Blood Pressure Expert by Barry Shore Does having high blood pressure make someone an expert? Certainly not. But studying and researching and developing a program to get blood pressure under control, does. Yes, after years of varying medication, plus all types of exercise and meditation programs, and thousands of dollars, I discovered and proved to myself and hundreds of others how easy it is to lower your blood pressure without medications, and keep it controlled.

Dozens of meds I tried were either only temporarily and partially successful, or were unsuccessful by failing to lower my pressure or by causing me reactions such as headaches, nausea, and other discomfort. The one medication that seemed to be somewhat advantageous for me is Metoprolol (generic), a Beta Blocker. I now continue to take 100 mg a day (1 pill). I tried many types of exercise and found no programs that worked well.

However, I did find that slow deep breathing affected my readings positively. Also, hand squeezing exercises had a positive affect. In fact I found 2 programs on the market that successfully accomplished lowering my pressure. One is Zonaplus ? and the other is Resperate ?. Zonaplus ? uses a handgrip and squeezing techniques, while Resperate ? uses an electronic device to manage breathing. Both work well but neither by themselves was that successful.

Also they each sell for about $300 each. So I set about to develop a program of squeezing and breathing that worked well and that was affordable. The result after many months is BPDown (www.bpdown.us). Consisting of 2 tension balls as "handgrips" and a breathing program.

BPDown reduces blood pressure significantly in just 12 minutes and sells for only $49 including shipping. Aside from the price, the advantages of BPDown are that you squeeze with both hands at the same time while simultaneously doing the breathing exercises. A CD is provided to help with the pacing, but a technique for pacing your breathing is explained whereby you don't even need the CD. Another advantage is that you can do the program practically anywhere. Just carry the 2 tension balls with you at all times and do the program while watching TV, riding in a car, walking, waiting for an appointment, or so many other places.

Since you do the BPDown program only once a day, there's no excuse for not doing it. I recommend doing the program at least 5 times a week for the first 8 weeks. Then, depending on the results, cut back to every other day or fewer repetitions, probably for the rest of your life. Let your doctor know that you're using the BPDown Program. Do not discontinue your medication without your doctor's approval.

The goal is to reduce your blood pressure so whatever works is good. To start, take your blood pressure, then do the BPDown program and take your blood pressure again. I know you will be amazed at how much lower your pressure is after the BPDown program. However, you must train your body over time to breathe properly and you must continually exercise your blood vessels to keep them flexible.

These are the methods that I found work for me and now hundreds of others to lower blood pressure. Controlling your blood pressure is of major health importance. So I honestly recommend that for $49, BPDown (www.bpdown.

us) is worth a try.

Here are the references for my article: My name is Barry Shore. I developed the BPDown program. Currently 69 years old, I have had high blood pressure since my early 30's. Using medication for over 30 years my BP has mostly ranged between 140/80 to 180/90 and my pulse has been between 65 and 75. After just one usage of the BPDown Program I was amazed at the substantial positive results. Since then my BP readings have been predominantly between 115/55 to 129/79, pulse between 50 and 60. I have yet to hear from anyone that did not significantly reduce their blood pressure using the BPDown Program... and there are so many other benefits. Do you want to lower your blood pressure fast - No Meds?

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