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Busy Mom Fat Loss Tips

I think the term "busy mom" is really an idiotic statement. If you're a mom isn't it assumed that you're busy? I can't think of any mom who wasn't working her hands to the bone taking care of her family. It just kind of comes with the territory.

Unfortunately, this often doesn't include much time for yourself when it comes to taking care of your body and fat loss. Many of my training clients are busy moms trying to lose fat and they all want to know how to fit fat loss workouts into their busy days and nights. The good thing is that it's not as difficult as you think to fit effective fat loss workouts into your busy days. You just need to follow these tips. 1) Stop following the fat loss workouts you find in the women's magazines from the checkout counter.

Most of those fat loss workouts are designed by people who don't actually train people, let alone busy moms who have limited time to lose fat if they can even make it to the gym. Plus they load those workouts up with goofy exercises that some gymnasts wouldn't be able to do, or spend the whole time dealing with "isolation" exercises that when done need at least 45-60 minutes of gym time. You need to start following a fat loss program that is designed to be done quickly and from the comfort of your own home. The program needs to focus on movements that get your whole body moving in order to lose fat. Movements like push-ups, squats, lunges, and full body ab exercises rather than thousands of crunches. It should have you in and out of the gym in less than 20 minutes or make it so you can do it from home.

Your free time is precious. Do you really want to spend what little you have loading the kids up to head to the gym, driving there, working out, then loading the kids back up to commute home? 2) Stop trying to do cardio for 60-90 minutes per day. I don't even want you to think about that anymore. It's just not feasible for a busy mom who wants to lose fat to try to do slow, boring cardio for that long.

Rather you need to start doing interval training for your cardio. You'll get done a lot quicker, and burn a lot more fat. As a matter of fact, much of the cardio I have my female clients perform gets them done in less than 20 minutes and they lose a lot more fat than by doing it my way than they had in the years of doing long, boring, monotonous bouts of cardio.

3) Stop eating like you're a kid. Most moms I know gained weight after their kids were born because they would eat what their kids didn't. If their child didn't eat all of his hot dog, she finished it for him.

Or, if she was making cookies for the kids, she would eat just as much, if not more than the kids. You have to stop doing this to yourself if you really want to lose fat. Instead you need to focus on eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean sources of protein like chicken and turkey breast, soy, almonds, salmon, etc.

while cutting out processed carbohydrates, which basically means anything found in a bag or box. Copyright (c) 2008 Ed Scow.

Learn how busy moms from all over the world are losing fat faster than they thought possible by going to http://www.fatlosstogo.com Once there be sure to grab your 5 free fat loss workouts.

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