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Coconut Oil for Sensitive Skin Psoriasis Dermatitis or Eczema

Coconut Oil for Sensitive Skin, Psoriasis, Dermatitis or Eczema. If you have sensitive skin or would like to avoid a rash or irritation you should use only natural and organic products. Organic cold pressed virgin coconut oil is one of the most stimulating and uplifting oil for sensitive skin and can be classified as top "notes" or top grade skin oil. If coconut oil is cold pressed from mature coconut kernels at temperature below 46º C, it is classified as 100% raw virgin coconut oil.

It usually has a wonderful, very light fresh coconut smell and contain the high content of Lauric Acid ? a fatty acid that provides antiviral, antimicrobial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Such coconut oil can help to treat Candida, nail fungus infections, dandruff and has shelf life up to several years. It is good to use for sensitive skin and it can also improve skin conditions such as; psoriasis, dermatitis or eczema as together with anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial properties it is an excellent moisturiser for making your skin feel better. However, you must always take into consideration that your skin problems are always associated with our food and what we eat. Anyone who suffers from eczema or psoriasis know that certain foods instantly make the condition worse ? commonly, citrus fruit, spicy food or dairy products.

Skin disorders can be the consequence of nutritional deficiencies or food allergies to a specific food. Some dairy products, pork, processed meat, animal fat, coffee, alcohol tend to exacerbate all skin problems. Sugar is particular bad for acne sufferers. If you have sensitive skin, athlete's foot, acne, eczema, psoriasis, sunburn, dandruff, dry skin, aging skin, corns or fungal infections then why not try to use on your skin or in massage top quality organic cold pressed virgin coconut oil that can help you with your skin problems. So why not to try coconut oil for your skin? The better coconut oil you use ? the better results for your skin will be. For the best results try to use organic 100% raw cold pressed virgin coconut oil that can help you to cure skin inflammation and improve your skin conditions.

Acne is an inflammatory skin disorder caused by an over-production of sebum. The exact cause of acne is not known, but some factors include stress, diet, monthly menstrual cycles, and the use of cosmetics. Take the coconut oil on your finger and put on your acne as many times a day as you can, it may take around one week to get rid of your acne.

Eczema or dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin that produces flaking, scaling and itching in which fluid filled blisters are sometimes present. For eczema sufferers in particular, milk, cream, cheese and butter often aggravate matters. You recommend eating carrots, pumpkin seeds, avocado, melon, millet, strawberries and oats. Psoriasis is a disorder that causes red scaly patches to appear on the skin. These scaly patches are caused by psoriasis and appear as areas of inflammation and excessive skin production which takes a silvery-white appearance.

Plaques usually occur on the elbows and knees but can affect any area including the scalp and genitals. The cause of psoriasis is not known, but it is believed to have a genetic reason. Stress, alcohol and smoking can aggravate psoriasis. Individuals with psoriasis may suffer from depression and loss of self-esteem.

There are many treatments available but the high quality cold pressed coconut oil can help with skin inflammation and can provided you with an immediate effect as an excellent moisturiser. Consuming coconut oil as a dietary supplement can help you considerably increase your energy, which is essential when you feel loss of self-esteem. Candida is yeast like fungus that is present in the mouth, intestines, esophagus, throat and genital tract. Under normal circumstances, it inhabits these areas and lives in balance with other bacteria and yeast in the body.

However, certain conditions (for example a weakened immune system) can cause it to multiply and cause an infection which travels through the bloodstream to other areas of the body. Raw cold pressed coconut oil contains the high content of Lauric and Caprylic Acids that can fight candida naturally use the coconut oil externally and as dietary supplement internally. Fungal nail infection causes thickening and discoloration of the nail.

Athlete's foot is a fungal infection of the foot and it is caused by a fungal infection that thrives in an area of warmth and dampness. Athlete's Foot leaves sufferers with symptoms of burning, itching, inflammation, blisters, cracking and scaling. You should treat athlete's foot at the same time as fungal nail infection.

This helps prevent the athlete's foot infection spreading into the nails and causing another infection after the fungal nail treatment has been completed Use the top quality organic virgin coconut oil as topical antifungal cream which can help you after several applications to kill the microorganisms responsible and get rid of the fungi infections. Dandruff is a chronic skin condition of the scalp in which the skin flakes rapidly. It is sometimes associated with dryness, itchiness or excessive oiliness.

To get rid of dandruff you should use Lauric rich coconut oil as hair conditioner. Dry Skin:.

Tom Lindblom is a writer currently specializing in health issues with a present interest in coconut oil.

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