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Is There a Real Reason for Hair Loss

Did you know certain medications cause hair loss? What about stress? Genetics? Even hats are a cause of hair loss. Knowledge is power and knowing what causes hair loss is your first line of defense in preventing the condition. Let's take a look at how illness, genetics, and your environment contribute to instances of hair loss and slowed hair growth. What causes hair loss? A major and well known cause of hair loss in women is pregnancy and postpartum hormonal changes. Testosterone imbalances have a huge impact on the way the hair follicles produce hair strands, so imbalances in this major chemical tend to lead to hair loss as well.

A testosterone imbalance can be a major cause of hair loss in both men and women. What is the cause of hair loss in women, you ask? Believe it or not, women tend to suffer from hair loss caused by pregnancy, breastfeeding, and post partum hormonal changes. There are a number of medications that cause hair loss. Stress causes hair loss in both men and women. Even hats cause hair loss as they irritate the scalp and hair follicles.

Hair loss, in some cases, is genetically pre-determined and tends to run on the mother's side of the family. The level of hormones you will have as you age is partially determined by genetics, so you may be able to determine whether or not you will have a hair loss problem later in life by looking at the history of your parents or grandparents. Even if genetics indicate you will lose your hair, you will not know whether or not you will experience symptoms at the same age or at the same rate. Everyone's hair growth patterns are different. Thankfully, there are preventative measures you can take to prevent hair loss, including hair care products, medications, and even massage therapy. Excessive and harsh hair care products and regimes are also considered to be major contributing factors when it comes to hair loss in both men and women.

The chemicals found in hair care products and the excessive heat of blow-drying are very drying to hair strands. These factors alone may cause hair loss. In some instances, genetics and environmental abuse are not the cause. Some people experience hair loss during or after long-term illnesses.

Others experience hair loss as a result of long term medical treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation. Any of the above noted conditions will be made worse if you already have a family history of baldness. Use care in choosing hair care products that are gentle and be sure to use them only when necessary. Find a hair care product specially formulated for preventing or slowing the rate of hair loss.

Doing so will enable you to fight hair loss.

What hair loss treatments really work? Find out about Diseases that cause hair loss and the best treatments. Click here => EasyHairGrowth.com to access Jamie Bollig's site about hair loss for men and women.

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